Field Status

This page is only updated during the spring season.

As of May 4th  2024

If rain is a factor this page is will updated by 8:00 PM Fridays and 2:00 PM all other days.

If the date is old the data is not current and has not been updated, that scenario is possible when we have extended stretches of nice sunny days.

Location Status
BCE Closed
Highlands N/A
Quail Hollow Use Discretion
Mt Cross Closed
SLVMS Closed

Time Table for Field Closure Notice

  • 2:00 PM weekday games
  • 8:00 PM Friday for Saturday games
  • Some days will be a game time decision
Assume all games are on unless you hear otherwise from your coach.
if the field is closed, you can still use the blacktop or other surrounding areas. Just make sure your players have the appropriate footwear.
If your game is rained out your coach may elect to reschedule it. Due to limited field availability and umpires make up games are usually done during one of the impacted teams weekly practice slots with a parent umpire working from behind the pitcher. 

Please note that in some cases,  the notice above may indicate that playing will be a “game time” decision.

What is a game time decision?

Imagine the rain has stopped and the sun has come out,  or maybe your think it might rain later now what? Teams have the option to continue and attempt to prep the field for game play.  They may have to soak up some puddles with our infield sponges and sweep off some of the water with our large infield brooms. Keep in mind that this is a gamble because the final call is up to the umpire, they are the final word. Their determination regarding player safety will be a “game time decision”. Keep in mind that we always error on the side of safety.  Contact your coach for more information.

Little League does not play games on any of our fields. Their fields are controlled by the county and the high school. The Little League fields can be shut down while ours can be open. Also each of our four fields handles water differently, for example BCE may be closed and Quail Hollow may be open.

Keep in mind that the grass is the part of the field that gets damaged when you play on it when it’s soggy.

A slippery infield and wet bases are a safety factor. Always error on the side of caution. If you plan to run drills on a hard surface remember to tell your players to wear the proper shoe.

Remember that games require coordination between two teams and an umpire crew. Practices are just your team and you can get creative and run drills on black top for example.

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